What food should you eat during the winter?

There are three reasons to start a winter diet: one is porridge, and the other is to eat porridge with nourishing heart in the winter, radish porridge for removing phlegm, porridge for nourishing the stomach and nourishing yin, walnut porridge for nourishing yin, and spleen and stomach for nourishing yin. Congee porridge, Qi replenishing yin and jujube porridge, adjusting the appetizing corn congee, nourishing liver and kidney sweet potato porridge and so on. The second should be warm goods, in order to take the justice of the yin and yang. Such as eating beef, lamb, dog meat, longan meat, dates, eggs, yams, pig blood, glutinous rice, leeks and so on. Drinking a small glass of wine for dinner every day in the winter is of great benefit to middle and old-aged people. Sanyi should eat nuts, eat more walnuts in the winter, chestnut, pine nuts and peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, black beans, black rice and so on. Must pay attention to body fat avoid warm fat flavor.

What to eat for the winter? -

As the saying goes: “Spring flowers, summer leaves, autumn fruits, and winter roots.” Root vegetables refer to vegetables that use fleshy roots as edible parts, including sweet potatoes, radishes, yams, and potatoes. Compared with other vegetables, root vegetables have lower pesticide residues, are cheap and have rich nutritional value. In winter, it is the season when a large number of root vegetables are marketed. It is even more time to eat these “big heads”.

Sweet potatoes: lack of tonic, Qi power, spleen and stomach, strong kidney yin. Sweet potatoes contain more than 10 kinds of trace elements such as vitamins A, B, C, E and potassium, iron, copper, selenium, and calcium, which have high nutritional value. Eat sweet potatoes in winter, you can maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and sweet potatoes contain a lot of dietary fiber, can stimulate the intestine, enhance peristalsis, detoxification, especially for elderly constipation has a good effect. In addition, studies have shown that sweet potatoes have a good anti-cancer effect, the effectiveness of anti-cancer foods ranked first.

Sweet potato

Recommended practice: sweet potato pancakes

Radish: Cooked food like sweet, raw crisp like pears. The old disease eliminates stagnation, Qigong genuine products. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica," daikon radish can be used to "get down the air, eliminate valleys, and neutralize evil spirits." Folks also say that "winter radishes eat ginger in winter, and doctors don't prescribe medicine." Radish is rich in nutrients, rich in carbohydrates and vitamins, and vitamin C is 8-10 times higher than pears. Radishes also contain minerals and proteins. Radish does not contain oxalic acid, not only does not combine with calcium in food, but is more conducive to the absorption of calcium. Radish B vitamins, potassium, magnesium and other minerals can promote gastrointestinal motility and help eliminate body waste.

Oxtail soup

Recommended practice: Korean pickled daikon radish soup

Yam: Yishenqi, spleen and stomach, stop leaking, phlegm, moist skin. Yam contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, help to enhance the digestion and absorption functions of the spleen and stomach. Yam contains mucin, which has the function of lowering blood sugar and is suitable for diabetics. There are foreign reports that yam can effectively prevent prostate hyperplasia.

Recommended practice: fried yam

Potato: Stomach and stomach, spleen Qi. Potato contains a lot of vitamin B and vitamin C, etc., for the treatment of gastric ulcer, constipation have a certain effect. It can also prevent the fat deposition of the cardiovascular system, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and help prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis. In addition, cutting potatoes into thin slices can help eliminate edema.

Indigo: raw food thirsty and phlegm, decoction treatment of large intestine blood. The pickle we've eaten, the "rose head dish," is made of indigo. In fact, fresh indigo is more nutritious and can be bought in some markets. Each 100 g of indigo contains 1.3 g of protein, 5.7 g of carbohydrates, 25 mg of calcium, 46 mg of phosphorus, 0.3 mg of iron, and 41 mg of vitamin C. Indigo has a therapeutic effect on stomach diseases and can promote the healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers. At the same time, it is rich in vitamin E and has the effect of enhancing human immune function. Indigo should not be overcooked, eaten raw or squeezed. In the north, indigo is used to make pickles, but hypertensive patients should not eat too much.

Squid Strip

Squid, also known as soft fish and calamari, has high nutritional value and is precious seafood. It is basically the same nutritional function as soft brachiopods such as cuttlefish and octopus. They are foods rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., and rich in trace elements such as selenium, iodine, manganese, and copper.

Squid Strip,Squid Nuggets,Frozen Squid Strip,Squid Processed Products

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