The computer family must drink four cups of tea every day

There are more and more people living on computers, but you know! Sitting in front of the computer every day to maintain healthy and beautiful, but also with the years of hard support is not easy, poor cycling posture, late at night, if you add no food for a long time but the body will protest to you Oh!

What should I do if I have a long computer time? In fact, four cups of tea a day not only counteract radiation but also protect eyes.

1. A cup of green tea in the morning: Green tea contains potent antioxidants and vitamin C. It not only frees up free radicals, but also secretes hormones that fight stress. The small amount of caffeine in green tea stimulates the central nervous system and boosts the spirit. However, it is best to drink during the day so as not to affect sleep.

2. A cup of chrysanthemum tea in the afternoon: Chrysanthemum has the function of clearing the liver, some people simply use chrysanthemum and wolfberry to drink together, or add honey to chrysanthemum tea, all of which are helpful to Jiefang.

3. Fatigue a cup of wolfberry tea: wolfberry fruit is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin C, calcium, iron, with liver, kidney, role of Ming purpose. It has its own sweetness. It can make tea and snack like a raisin. It has the effect of solving the "computer family" eye astringent and fatigue.

4. Evening cup of cassia tea: cassia seed has heat, eyesight, Bunao, liver and qi, beneficial bones and bones, if constipation can also be consumed after dinner meals, for the treatment of constipation very effective.

Here, you can also find some teas or snacks that are most suitable for the computer family. Not only can you help you fight against radiation but also protect your eyes against irritability!

Mung bean barley soup

Mung beans can be detoxified, diuretic swelling, Yiyi can spleen and diarrhea, light weight Qi, for workers often need to stay up late or upset, dry mouth, constipation, long acne, in addition to eat more With fruits and vegetables and water supplements, eating mung bean barley soup as a snack can be very helpful in relieving heat.

Eucommia Tea

Eucommia has a role of blood and strong bones and muscles. For regular sedentary purposes, back and back pain is helpful. Both men and women can drink. If a female friend can also take it with Siwu Tang at the end of the physiological period.

It is rich in vitamin D and amino acids that are easily absorbed by the body. Its large amount of glutamic acid creates a unique taste and flavor. Shiitake has the functions of improving the human body's immune function, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipids, lowering cholesterol, preventing cancer and anti-cancer, and delaying aging.

Fresh Fruit Smell Shiitake Mushroom

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