Non-pollution Pomegranate Fertilization

First, the fertilization period is the key to science and reasonable fertilizer is to seize the critical period of growth and development of the pomegranate tree during the fertilizer, pomegranate tree fertilization is divided into base fertilizer and top dressing. Basal fertilizers generally use high-quality organic fertilizers, which can provide a balanced supply of various nutrients for pomegranate all year round. The basal fertilization is best applied in autumn, combined with deep plowing in the soil. At this time, it is the second peak of growth of the pomegranate root system. The new roots have more hair roots and the growth rate is faster. The cut roots are easily healed and regenerated and the white absorption root energy is generated. Absorption of part of the nutrients helps restore tree vigor and increases nutrients in the reserve. Most of the organic matter is fully decomposed in the soil and can be absorbed and used in spring for pomegranate flowering and budding.
The determination of the top-dressing period is mainly based on the progress of the phenological period and the need for growth to provide nutritional supplements in a timely manner. (1) Pre-emergence and post-harvest top dressing: Mainly supplement the shortage of storage nutrition, improve the fruit setting rate and shoot growth, mainly based on compound fertilizer. (2) Top-dressing fertilizer: promote shoot growth and flower bud differentiation, apply appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer, apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and mainly use ternary compound fertilizer. (3) Pre-harvest top-dressing: With quick-acting potash fertilizer as the main ingredient, it can promote fruit enlargement and improve fruit quality. It is generally applied 15 days before picking. (4) Post-harvest top-dressing: It is mainly to top-dress trees that are depleted of nutrients or trees that are depleted of nutrients, which can increase tree vigor and increase reserve nutrients.
Second, a reasonable determination of the amount of fertilizer
1. Organic manure is the basic fertilizer for pollution-free pomegranate. From the perspective of fertilizer production of pomegranate in our district, the amount of organic fertilizer per gram of non-pollution pomegranate production should be between 4000-5000kg, while the amount of acre on production is only 600-800kg. The application of organic fertilizer is seriously insufficient, thus increasing the application rate of chemical fertilizer. This is one of the reasons for the decline in pomegranate quality. Organic fertilizers can improve soils, increase soil capacity, reduce environmental pollution, and can significantly improve the yield and quality of pomegranate.
2. Soil testing formula fertilization. Soil testing and fertilization have a great effect on improving fruit set rate and maintaining sustained and stable production increase. The determination of the amount of soil fertigation should not only consider the factors such as the amount of fertilizer required for growth in the pomegranate garden, fertilizer utilization, and the growth of the pomegranate, but also a comprehensive analysis and increase or decrease as appropriate. According to the determination, the yield of 2300 kg per gram of pomegranate orchard, the appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and mix ratio are: pure nitrogen 21.2kg/mu, pure phosphorus 18.4kg/mu, pure potassium 9.6kg/mu, N: P2O5: K2O 14:18:18, and the appropriate formulation ratio is related to the production of pomegranate, soil N, P, K nutrient content, therefore, should be based on different pomegranate yield, level and soil fertility, to determine the appropriate amount of various fertilizers.
Third, the fertilization method According to the characteristics of pomegranate fertilizer and the characteristics of various chemical fertilizers scientific fertilization. The saplings are applied with annular furrows and are located on the outer edge of the canopy; during the fruit period, radial furrows are applied. According to the distribution of the roots, the radiation furrows should be dug into shallow depths. The tree is about 10-20cm in length and about 30-40cm in distance from the middle trunk. The clay soil is hard and the fertilizer-rich soil can be properly deepened to guide the root system to expand deeper. The sand soil nutrients are easy to lose and should be applied shallowly. Radial ditch should be replaced every year to achieve the purpose of land reform in the whole park.
Fourth, science and application of trace fertilizer With the continuous increase in the output of pomegranate and the repeated use of the old pomegranate garden, a large number of nutrients are taken away from the soil every year, resulting in the lack of some trace elements. At present, in the pomegranate gardens around the country, due to the lack of trace elements such as zinc and boron, the quality and yield of pomegranate have been affected. In the absence of pomegranate, the spring sprouts late, the leaves are clustered, the leaves are small, the flower buds are reduced, the fruit is not easy to grow, the fruit is small, the roots of the diseased young trees are stunted, the old diseased tree roots are rotted, the crowns are sparse, and they cannot be expanded. low. Preventive measures: (1) Soil application method: combined with fertilization strain applied zinc sulfate 0.1kg, this method is valid for a long period. (2) Foliar spraying: spraying zinc sulfate solution 1-2 times before flowering. The proportion of zinc sulphate solution is 36%, namely 1kg of zinc sulfate, 0.7kg of quicklime, and 200kg of water. This method can not only reduce the production of small fruit, but also improve the fruit setting rate. In the absence of boron in the pomegranate orchard, irregular gangrene appeared in the top tip of the pomegranate orchard, yellowing of the upper leaves, death of the terminal buds in moderate deficiency, and growth halted. At the end of the last tip, withering occurred. Preventive measures: 1220.2% borax or 0.1% boric acid can be sprayed 2-3 times before and after the initial flowering period; borax 20g can also be used in combination with the fertilizing strain. When the root of micro-fertilizer is applied, it is usually combined with the use of spring fertilizer or autumn fertilizer, and the dosage should not be too much, so as to avoid causing fertilizer damage.

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