Persimmon is best not to eat with sweet potatoes

We are not unfamiliar with sweet potatoes. It is also known as sweet potato, sweet potato, red clam, sweet potato, and so on. The botanical official name is sweet potato.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, sweet potato is sweet and sweet, and it has functions such as invigorating the spleen and stomach, raising the mind, clearing away heat and detoxicating. Modern medical research shows that eating sweet potatoes can also supplement large amounts of vitamin C and play an anti-aging role; of the 20 cancer-fighting foods announced by the National Cancer Research Center of Japan, sweet potatoes ranked first; sweet potatoes contain higher levels of carotene , also known as vitamin A, sweet potato is one of the main plant sources of vitamin A. The high protein content of sweet potato can make up for the lack of nutrients in rice and flour. Regular consumption can increase the utilization rate of nutrients in the staple food of the human body, make people healthy and prolong life. Sweet potato contains more cellulose, which is very helpful for promoting gastrointestinal motility and preventing constipation. It can also be used to treat acne and anal fissure. It also has a role in the prevention of rectal cancer and colon cancer. Dehydroepiandrosterone is a unique ingredient of sweet potato. This substance is both anti-cancer and probiotic. It is a steroid similar to the hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. Foreign scholars call it "counterfeit hormones" that can effectively inhibit the occurrence of breast and colon cancer. Sweet potato has special protective effect on human organ mucosa, which can inhibit cholesterol deposition, maintain blood vessel elasticity, prevent connective tissue atrophy in liver and kidney, and prevent the occurrence of collagen disease. Sweet potato is an ideal diet food. Sweet potato has only 1/3 of the same amount of rice heat, and it is also rich in cellulose and pectin, which has the special function of preventing the conversion of sugar into fat.

Persimmon is rich in nutrients, contains a lot of carotene, vitamin c, glucose, fructose and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, and enjoys the reputation of “fruit in the holy goods”.

Chinese medicine believes that persimmons are sweet, astringent, cold, and have a certain therapeutic effect. They can clear away heat and dryness, moisturize the lungs, spleen, treat sputum, and stop bleeding. They have chronic bronchitis, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis. Very good health effects.

It should be noted that although the persimmon is rich in nutrition and delicious, it should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Because the fruit of persimmon contains tannins, its content after ripening is less than 1%, and it can reach 25% when immature. At the same time, persimmons also contain gums and pectin. When fasting a large number of persimmons, especially immature or unpeeled persimmons, the tannins, pectins, etc. contained in the fasting bodies can form water-insoluble clots and deposit in the stomach. The role of the formation of mass, the so-called persimmon stone.

Persimmons should not be eaten with sweet potatoes. Sweet potato contains tannin and gum, which will stimulate the gastric wall to secrete gastric acid, causing heartburn and other discomforts; sweet potato contains gasification enzymes, and heartburn, vomiting acid water, and bloating will occur after eating. If you eat sweet potatoes and then eat persimmons, under the action of stomach acid will produce sediments, precipitates together, will form water insoluble stones, difficult to digest, excretion. Patients with chronic gastritis, delayed gastric emptying, indigestion, and other impaired gastric motility are not allowed to eat persimmons after major gastrectomy. Persimmons have a high sugar content, so diabetics are also unfit for human consumption.

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