About Harvest and Processing of Patchouli

1 Harvest Patchouli has different harvest seasons and harvesting methods due to different origins. It should mainly be harvested when the foliage is flourishing. Too late, the leaves fall, affecting the quality; premature, the accumulation of active ingredients in the leaves is not enough, the quality is not good, so pay attention to grasp the harvest time. Generally planted in autumn, harvested in August of the following year; planted in spring, harvested around September of that year. Harvest from June to August in field cultivation, and from August to November in cultivated fields. There are two kinds of harvesting methods: First, select the sunny dew to dry uprooted, shake off the sand, cut down the roots, cut the fibrous roots; the second is to stay in the roots, harvesting the growth of the lateral branches in phases, harvesting about half a year.
2 processing
(1) Processing at the place of production. The branches and leaves that are harvested are sunk for a few hours and then become cloudy. The layers alternately stack and “sweat”, and the sun and night stuffyness repeats 2-3 times. After the leaves turn yellow, they spread out to dry. So far, or when it is half-dried in the sun, it is bundled into small pieces (7-10 kilograms each), stacked one by one in layers, and the leaves are stuffy and yellow. When you stack, do not mix the leaves and roots. Spread the sun the next day. Dry it until it's dry. During the drying process, avoid rain. About 5 kilograms of fresh produce can get 1 kilogram dry goods, per mu produce 200-400 kilograms. The processing of eucalyptus oil is better with fresh products, long-term storage of volatile oil is lost, and the output is not high.
(2) concocted.
1 Patchouli. Take the original herbs, remove residual roots and impurities, shake off the leaves and put them on, wash the stems, slightly run to cut, dry at low temperature or dry. Mix with the leaves again.
2 musk terriers. Take old musk stems, remove impurities, soak into 7-8 into, remove, stuffy, cut thick slices, dry at low temperature or dried.
3 musk leaves. Take musk, pick out impurities, remove stems, and sieve away dust.

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