Diet treatment how liver disease

The liver is the most important part of the human body because detoxification depends entirely on it. However, people with liver diseases are common in life. Although food can be used for treatment and conditioning, what kind of food is suitable for different liver diseases?

First, liver cirrhosis

Carp yellow peony soup: live squid, weighing about 400 grams, to the scales and viscera, rinse to rinse, wash; 30 grams of astragalus, sliced, washed, gauze bag packed, tie tight mouth. First, Sheng Huangxuan's medicine bag wok, add enough water, cook for about half an hour, and then cook the fish under the squid until the fish is cooked, remove the medicine bag, add ginger, onion, salt, MSG seasoning.

Applicable people: Assisting treatment of liver cirrhosis.

Peach porridge: peach kernel 15 grams, 50 grams of rice. Wash the glutinous rice first. Peach kernel peeled, into the pot, add 500 ml of water, a small fire about 30 minutes, take the liquid, waste residue. Peach and glutinous rice were cooked together with boiled infusion, and the amount of water was added. After the fire boiled, a small amount of fire turned into a rice rotten porridge. Eat it once a day on an empty stomach.

Applicable population: Adjunct treatment that is beneficial to cirrhosis.

Second, chronic hepatitis

Astragalus membranaceus: Astragalus 30 grams, washed; fresh yam 150 grams, cut into thin slices. Put the pot of yellow rice in the pot, add enough water, boil it for half an hour, filter the dregs, and then put it in fresh yam, cook for another half an hour, add salt or sugar, and serve.

Applicable people: mental fatigue, shortness of breath, lazy words, pale, thin stool.

Cordyceps stewed duck: A domestic duck, weighing about 1500 grams, after the slaughter to the net hair, licking to the feet, dissected organs, clean; Cordyceps 10 grams. Put the duck into the casserole, put Cordyceps sinensis and ginger on it, first heat it with Wuhuo, then slowly simmer for 1 hour with slow fire. After the duck is boiled, add salt and monosodium glutamate and season it.

For the crowd: chronic hepatitis, immune function, liver function can not be restored for a long time.

Third, fatty liver

Poria powder porridge: Poria 30 grams, 50 grams of rice, red dates 10 pieces. Wash the red dates and wash the glutinous rice. Jujube, glutinous rice wok, add water 600 ml, after the Wu Huo boil, switch to slow fire porridge.

Applicable to the crowd: With the effect of spleen dehumidification, fatty liver obesity is more appropriate.

Hawthorn lotus tea: Hawthorn 15 grams, 12 grams of lotus leaf. Wash the hawthorn, go to the core, and chop. Wash lotus leaf, dry, cut into filaments. Mix the two drugs, brew with boiling water, and blister for about 20 minutes.

For the crowd: fatty liver liver discomfort, abdominal distention, nausea want to vomit.

Four, alcoholic liver disease

Chixiaodou glutinous rice porridge: Chixiaodou, glutinous rice, each 50 grams, add water to boil porridge.

Applicable people: With spleen dampness detoxification effect, apply to alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and so on.

Alcoholic side: Use boiled milk boiled for half an hour, and drink it 3 times a day, which can play a role in abstinence.

These are the different liver diseases and the corresponding treatment of food, liver disease is different, diet and nursing methods are also different, so we must prescribe the right medicine for food therapy, so that it can really play a role.

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