Blue peacock breeding techniques

(A) Newcastle disease
1. The onset of symbiotic peacock was mainly characterized by mental fatigue, thirst, and body temperature as high as 43°C. Drowsy, not on the shelves, adult peacock is not open screen, loss of appetite, dejected, loose feathers and loss of luster, wings drooping, was drowsy, breathing time?? Lying?" 恪: 恪 笃谟 笃谟 笃谟 目 目 目 目 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 布 布 布 布 布 布 布 布 布 布 卣吲 卣吲 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇Unforgettable
2. Lesions of pectoralis muscles and leg muscles had bleeding spots. Severe cases showed patchy hemorrhage. There was thick yellow foam mucus in the throat and trachea, spot-like hemorrhage in the tracheal mucosa, catarrhal inflammation in the glandular and gastric mucosa, bleeding in the glandular and stomach papillae, and enlarged lymph nodes. , bleeding, cecal tonsils swollen, bleeding.
3. Diagnosing the diseased peacock liver inoculated 10-day-old chicken embryos. After 5 days, the allantoic fluid was tested positive for HA and could be inhibited by the standard Newcastle disease antiserum.
4. Prevention
(1) The immunizations are immunized once every two months with a dose of Newcastle disease and four drinking water from the age of 10 days.
(2) Treatment firstly vaccinate the yolk antibody in an emergency, separated by 5-7 days, and then immunized once with 4 doses of Newcastle disease drinking water.
(b) Tissue trichomoniasis Trichomoniasis is a protozoal parasitic disease caused by tissue trichomoniasis. The main feature of the disease is the formation of necrotizing inflammation in the cecum and liver, due to blood circulation disorders of the disease after the disease, disease The head of the bird is dark black, so it is also called blackhead disease. The blue peacock is most sensitive to the disease after it enters the breeding period. At present, the disease has become a major disease in the peacock breeding industry and has caused great economic losses.
1. Symptoms Disease Peacock manifests as lack of energy, reduced feeding, fluffy feathers, drooping wings, weak walking, curling in a daze, early discharge of pale yellow dilute with foam, mixed with bloodshots, gray excrement in the mid and late stages, and some Squat, bad smell. The peacock began to have a higher body temperature, decreased body temperature before death, closed his eyes and lethargy. The course is usually 5-15 days.
2. Most of the diseased peacock were cryptococcal inflammation and typical hepatic surface round necrosis lesions. The liver is swollen, brittle and fragile. The surface is characterized by round gray or yellow necrotic lesions of varying sizes and sizes, as small as grains of rice, as large as mung beans, or soya beans, with a central depression in the necrotic foci, with jagged bulges on the edges or Scattered existence or fusion, into a large area of ​​necrosis. The gallbladder is swollen, the bile is thick, yellow-green, and the lesions are mild. Only the liver is slightly enlarged. There are scattered gray needles or ring-shaped necrotic spots on the surface. Liver cells show focal necrosis, necrosis and disintegration of the hepatocytes in the center of the lesion. There are a large number of round or oval trichomoniasis around the periphery of the necrotic lesions, and there are monocyte and lymphocyte infiltrations in varying amounts, and the center of the liver lobules. There are a large number of round, red-colored tissue trichomoniae in veins. The cecum is often seen with bilaterally significant enlargement, which is 3-4 times normal, a diameter of about 3 cm, hypertrophy of the intestinal wall, sausage-like, intestinal cavity filled with dirty cheese-like exudate, the formation of coagulation embolus, blocking the entire Intestinal cavity. Peeling embolism shows that the cecum wall is thin and there are hemorrhagic inflammatory changes in the mucosa and muscle. The mucosal epithelial cells were degenerated, necrotic and exfoliated. The mass on the mucosal surface was a mixture of shedding epithelium, red blood cells, white blood cells, and cellulose intestine contents. Most of the intrinsic layer glandular epithelium degenerated and necrosed, and the underlying layer was highly congested and bleeding. A large number of heterophil granulocytes, lymphocytes, and mononuclear cells infiltrated, and a large number of round or oval pale red tissue trichomoniae were observed on the mucosal surface and lamina propria.
3. Diagnose a small amount of intestinal contents from the caecal corpse of the diseased peacock and scrape the contents of the intestine into a beaker, add warm saline to stir it evenly, absorb 1 drop of the supernatant, set the slide, and rapidly set the microscope at 400 times. Under the inspection, a circular parasite was found to be a pendulum-like motion.
4. Prevention and treatment will be the first treatment of isolated peacock isolation; cages for flame disinfection and chemical drugs (100 poisoning, etc.) disinfection; oral special anti-Tiao Ling, while drinking Baidu Qing, intramuscular injection of penicillin, the above drugs 2 times a day, for serious Should be given oral rehydration salts and a variety of vitamins, 7 days for a course of treatment, every 3 days and then use a special anti-Tiao Ling to consolidate a course of treatment, the prevention of peacock is not the same way. It should be noted that the tissue trichomoniasis is not very resistant to the outside world, but can survive in long-term survival in the eggs of the helminthic nematode. After the susceptible animals have swallowed the food containing the nematode worms, the tissue trichomoniasis escapes. Causes morbidity. Therefore, the disinfectant is often used in the pens to eliminate eggs, but also to pay attention to the removal of nematodes. Levamisole is generally used.
(c) The epidemiology, clinical symptoms, pathological changes, and prevention and control of E. coli peacock colibacillosis are the same as those of chickens and are not repeated. However, eye-type E. coli disease is quite different from other forms of E. coli, and special attention should be paid.
1. Symptoms: The peacock was depressed at the beginning of the illness, suffered from loss of appetite, loose feathers, and yellowish white or green loose stools. Then the peacock's head was swollen, with unilateral or bilateral swelling of the eyes, tears in the eyes closed, extreme depression, difficulty in breathing until the two eyes became blind, no food, no food, and failure to die.
2. The diseased peacock was emaciated, and the eyes were covered with yellow-white tofu-like substances. The outer layer of the eye was covered with a turbid pale white film. There is yellow cheese-like exudate in the throat.
3. Pathogen identification
(1) Cultivate the heart and liver tissue of sick peacock, round, uplift, smooth, moist, translucent colonies on plain agar plates, and red colonies in MacConkey.
(2) Microscopic examination. When the cultures were smeared, a large number of gram-negative two-section obtuse bacilli were observed.
(3) Biochemical tests. No decomposition of sucrose, xylose and urea, no hydrogen sulfide, VP test and citrate is negative, can ferment rhamnose, maltose, mannitol, lactose, arabinose, cesium test positive, methyl red test positive.
4. Prevent and clean the peacocks, replace the litter, and disinfect with 0.5% 100% peacock for 1 week. In general, the pathogen is sensitive to gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, neomycin, etc., and gentamicin is intramuscularly injected for 1 week. Multidimensional, oral rehydration salts are given continuously. Eye drops were washed with cortisone acetate for 1 week. Generally can be mostly cured.
(d) Aspergillosis
1. Symptoms: Peacock's spirit is depressed, feathers are loose, food is not fed, drinking water is increased, mouth and nose are secreted, mouth is stretched, eyes are prominent, eyelids form cheese-like objects, and grayish or yellowish green squats appear.
2. The diseased lungs are gray, light yellow exudates, the trachea is the same, the surface has the same color nodules, the liver is swollen, crisp, there are yellow-white nodules, the spleens have gray nodules, intestinal catarrhal inflammation The kidneys are swollen, there is a small amount of urate deposition, the airbags are turbid and there are necrotic spots, the meninges are congested, and there are essentially point-sized bleeding points.
3. Pathological examination of diseased dead peacock tissue was cut into pieces, alkali solution was added, and mycelium and spores were visible under the microscope. Inoculated with SS medium culture under the microscope can be seen branch mycelium, the top of the expansion, conidia beaded, arranged radially on the top of the spore capsule.
4. Prevention and control will divide the peacock group into two parts. A part of the peacocks that have not developed disease will be transferred to the newly-disinfected new house. The original house will be completely disinfected, and litter and dead peacock will be buried deep in the distance. The diseased peacock was isolated and used continuously for 1 week with nystatin and potassium iodide. The healthy peacock was half-prevented and multidimensional and oral rehydration salts were added.
(E) Streptococcal disease
1. After the onset of symptoms of peacock, the main manifestations of frequent bowel movements, discharge of green brown or yellowish watery stool, loss of appetite and even food, thirst, extreme wilting, anal villi are severely contaminated and eventually died.
2. The diseased peacock is extremely thin, dehydrated, with enlarged spleen, atrophy of the liver, lungs, and heart, yellow spots in the submucosa of the liver, gallbladder enlargement, catarrhal inflammation in the glandular stomach and muscle stomach, and mucosal hyperemia. The cecal tonsils were enlarged and the follicles had bleeding points.
3. Pathogen examination of the material smears, Gram stain, visible Streptococcus, with decidua. Dew-like, round, colorless, transparent, flashing, colonial uplift on SS medium. In serum broth, the upper part of the liquid is transparent and the bottom has a villous precipitate. The pathogen can ferment glucose, lactose, sucrose, sorbitol, and salicyl, producing acid and no gas. It does not ferment mannitol, trehalose, rhamnose, pregelatin, inositol and xylose. The matrix test was positive and the methylene blue reduction test was negative. No growth occurred in pH 9.6 and 6.5% broth.
4. Prevent and treat disinfection and disinfection of peacocks, quarantine peacock, feed and drinking water to add multidimensional and oral rehydration salts. The most effective is the emergency injection of antibiotics, such as penicillin, chloromycetin, or gentamicin, which can be revived in 1 week.
The above describes the clinical symptoms, pathological changes, pathogen detection, and prevention and control of several diseases. However, since peacock has no stereotyped immunization program, the immunization of other epidemics must be based on the local epidemic characteristics of other poultry diseases and immunization programs. Peacock immunized.

Squid Wing

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