Spring health three kinds of water can not be less

Spring storms and spring dryness are all problems people will encounter in the spring. What should happen if these problems occur? A reasonable diet can solve these problems that are unique to spring. Such as jasmine can eliminate sleepy springs, honey water moistening, chicken soup can cold spring and so on. The following Xiao Bian will introduce you to what spring health eats?

Jasmine eliminates sleep

The public has long said that “spring should drink”, and from the point of view of health care and health care, it is also a spring drink tea. Most regions in China are monsoon climates, with spring, summer, autumn, and winter cold, and the four seasons are extremely distinct. In the spring days, when the spring breeze recovers and the yang grows, it brings vitality to all things. At this time, people generally feel sleepy and fatigued, manifesting itself as a spring storm.

Drinking tea in spring can ease the adverse effects of spring storm. Camellia is a cool and aromatic gas. It is conducive to the distribution of winter cold pathogens that accumulate in the human body and promotes the growth of yang in the body. It is refreshing and makes the "spring storm" self-extinguishing.

Flower tea is a tea treasure that combines the beauty of tea and the fragrance of flowers. "Flower attracts tea fragrance, complement each other", it is the use of the smell of baking tea and other tea Maocha taste characteristics and the principle of spit fragrance of flowers, the tea and flowers prepared by mixing, with jasmine tea most famous. This is because the jasmine is clear and pleasant. Jasmine tea has the reputation of “the smell of spring in Chinese tea flowers”. Jasmine spring drink, you can refresh the mind, there is "to the cold evil, assistant Yu" effect, is the top grade spring tea.

For high-grade tea, you should use a clear glass lid cup, take 3 grams of tea, and put it into a cup, brewing with boiling water to cool it to about 90 °C, then cover the lid to prevent loss of aroma.

Honey hydrated spring dried

Dr. Sun Siyu, a physician of the Tang Dynasty, said: “On the 72nd of the spring, the province has increased its acidity to maintain its temperament.” People transition from the cold in winter to the windy season in spring. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the wind is prone to dryness, and the wind is dry and the evils invade. In the human body, it is very easy to heat and it is often expressed as thirsty, coughing and constipation. Honey is sweet and sexually peaceful. "Compendium of Materia Medica" said that there are five functions of honey medicine: heat, supplement, detoxification, moistening, and pain relief. The texture of honey is moist, it can moisturize and smooth the intestines, heat and lungs, relieve pain and urgency. Honey contains mainly glucose and fructose, as well as a variety of essential amino acids, proteins, malic acid, vitamins and other ingredients. Therefore, in the spring, honey is the ideal health drink. Each morning and evening, a cup of honey water can be used to ease laxative, prevent colds, and remove toxins from the body.

Honey jujube tea is a good match, there is tonic Qi, nourishing the nerves, spleen and stomach and other effects. Prepare 150 grams of dried dates, 50 grams of crystal sugar, 250 milliliters of honey, and 350 milliliters of water. Dig the dried red dates out of the core, and pour the rock sugar into a small soup pot. Add water. After the fire boil, turn it over a low heat until the water is completely dry. Whisk in a small pot with an egg beater, whet the ripe red dates into red dates, cool thoroughly, fill in a clean glass bottle, and pour in honey and stir evenly with a small spoon. When drinking, take 2 teaspoons of honey jujube into the cup, and then stir in warm boiled water.

Chicken soup, cold spring

In spring, the temperature changes greatly, the human immunity is reduced, and it is easy to catch a cold. Spring tonic soup can choose to improve immunity, prevent cold chicken soup, high protein content, and easy to digest, easily absorbed and used by the body, there is to enhance physical strength and strong body. Chicken soup can effectively suppress the inflammation in the human body and excessive production of mucus, helps to reduce the nasal cavity clogging and throat pain, as well as the number of coughing.

The motherland's medicine emphasizes spring and summer, and autumn and winter harvest. It is believed that the spring and summer Yang Yang, autumn and winter Yin. Therefore, in the spring tonic, we should pay attention to the warming of the climate and the gradual rise of the yang of the human body. With the principle of cleansing, softening and leveling, it is necessary to cultivate Yang and make up for the sun, and to be gentle. Chicken soup has the effects of warming Qi, filling deficiency with essence, strengthening spleen and stomach, activating blood, and strengthening bones and bones. Hen soup is more fat, more hot, chicken soup is more suitable for spring drinking.

Chicken soup has the effect of nourishing liver and eyesight. In addition to chicken soup, drinking fish soup is also a good choice. For example, squid soup has the function of strengthening spleen and appetizers to reduce edema symptoms.



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