WHO: Has not confirmed the sustainable transmission of the H7N9 bird flu virus

According to the Xinhua News Agency, the World Health Organization's representative office in China said on the 17th that there has been an outbreak of H7N9 bird flu in China recently. However, there is no evidence that the H7N9 bird flu virus has continuous human-to-human transmission capabilities, and the reduction of live poultry exposed to the virus is related to closure. The live poultry market is the key to prevention and control of the epidemic.

The WHO Representative Office in China said: “The vast majority of patients are infected with the H7N9 virus through exposure to infected poultry or live poultry markets. Based on the information reported so far, there is no evidence that the virus has sustained interpersonal transmission capabilities. There was also no significant change in the viral properties and the patient's pathological features."

The WHO Representative Office in China stated that as long as the bird flu virus is present in poultry, the possibility of occasional human infections or small-scale outbreaks exists. Given that bird flu viruses may continue to evolve and reorganize, it is particularly critical that people remain alert to emerging bird flu viruses.

The agency said that China has established a system for the detection and reporting of infectious diseases such as the H7N9 bird flu and has the ability to analyze the development of the virus. After the outbreak of the bird flu epidemic, the Chinese government announced a number of measures to strengthen monitoring and prevention and control of the epidemic, including closing the relevant live poultry market.

The WHO Representative Office in China stated that it is important for the general public to do preventive work. Given that it is difficult for the general public to determine what type of bird flu virus the bird is infected with, people need to implement strict health and safety measures when handling, slaughtering and preparing poultry for consumption.

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