How should a panic eat pears?

The horror, the ancient name “Qiyu”, is the 3rd solar term in the 24th solar terms, and it is the beginning of the month; the time point is between March 5-6 each year when the sun reaches 345° . "Monthly 72nd Settlement": "In February, ... everything is in shock, earthquake is in thunder, and it is scared. It is a locust and a runaway."

Convulsions are another solar term after the beginning of spring. The weather is beginning to warm up. The various insects hibernating in the soil start to wake up, and when the farmer begins to panic, they start preparing for spring plowing. At this time, people must begin to adjust their diet so that the body can adapt to the next work. Therefore, in the traditional dietary habits, there is the custom of eating pears, because eating pears can revitalize the spleen, nourish the yin and clear away heat, and it is good for your health.

At the time of horror, the weather is still warm and the weather is still relatively dry. It is easy for the population to suffer from dryness, sore throat, and dullness. In addition, some bacteria and viruses begin to multiply and reproduce. They are prone to respiratory diseases and have symptoms such as cough and expectoration. Pear is sweet and has the effects of clearing away heat and nourishing yin, relieving phlegm and producing stagnant spleen, relieving throat phlegm, and is rich in acid, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, etc., especially suitable for this season. When eating, raw pears can be taken to peel and juice, pears can be boiled and steamed, and sliced ​​together with boiled sugar, tremella and other boiled water. Chuanbei stewed pear has a certain therapeutic effect on cough. However, due to the cold nature of pear, it is not suitable to eat too much at once, otherwise it will hurt the spleen and stomach. For spleen and stomach Deficiency or high blood sugar, it is not appropriate to eat raw pears.


The benefits of scaring health pears:

1, cough and phlegm, heat and reduce heat

In nutrition science, pear has a very loud name - natural mineral water. It is juicy and slagy, but it is rich in many trace elements such as glucose, fruit acid, iron, dietary fiber, and vitamins A, B, and C. It has thirst, cough, phlegm, heat and fire, and nourishing blood. Muscle, lungs to dry and other functions, the most suitable for winter and spring heat and internal heat of the patient.

2, can treat "spring season disease"

Pears also have the effect of lowering blood pressure and sedating heat. Hypertensive patients, if they have dizziness, palpitations and tinnitus, often eat pears, can relieve symptoms and can effectively treat the "spring season disease."

3, promote digestion, make up water

Pear can promote appetite, help digestion, and promote urinary purge and antipyretic effects. It can be used to supplement water and nutrients when it is hot.

4, can hangover, protect the liver

Pears cool and moist stomach also hangover. Although sweet pears, but the calories are very low, ideal for those who love sweet and fat people. Eating a pear can cool your stomach, especially for drinkers, because pears contain more polysaccharides and more vitamins, which have a protective effect on the liver.

5, Runzao eliminate wind

Pears have the effect of moistening and dispelling wind. When the spring weather is dry, people often feel itchy skin, dry mouth and nose, and sometimes dry and cough, and eat one or two pears a day to relieve dryness.

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