Facility Requirements and Supporting Technologies for Environmentally Safe Houses

With the development of our country's economy, the society puts forward strong demands on the safety of livestock and poultry products and the protection of the environment. The control of drug residue and disease in livestock and poultry products has become the focus of attention of the whole society. Health and epidemic prevention, market globalization, and green barriers have caused the domestic chicken industry to face strong pressure. In the event that all the immunizations and medications have failed, the epidemic prevention level of facilities and equipment has once again become chicken disease experts and environmental experts. The technical focus of the CEOs of chicken companies. From the perspective of epidemic spread, relying on traditional environmental control technologies and facilities and management to prevent epidemics is ineffective or has little effect. Therefore, the technical system that can control the above factors in a unified manner should be a comprehensive epidemic prevention system that includes epidemic prevention and environmental control technologies and the new structure of their facilities, real-time disinfection and sterilization technology for feed and drinking water. In terms of domestically built henhouses, almost all chicken farms must be rehabilitated from the new requirements for disease prevention. New chicken farms should adopt new quarantine technology systems to meet the requirements for the construction of environmentally safe chicken farms.
The requirements for the construction of an environmentally safe chicken farm: The basic requirement for the construction of an environmentally safe chicken farm is that the chicken house can control the total amount of pathogenic microorganisms in terms of air, feed, drinking water, and excrement, and it can be used in air, temperature, light, Several aspects of sound protection of livestock and poultry comfort. Therefore, the design and construction of environmentally safe chicken farms should proceed from the following directions:
1 Air Quality Control Technology
1.1 Quality Control of Gas into the House Many contagious diseases spread through the air. When the airborne dust contains epidemic viruses, it spreads easily in a group of chickens. The speed of air flow in neighboring chicken houses and chicken farms When it is larger, it will be infected in a very short time. Therefore, the air entering the house must be purified and sterilized. For the installation equipment of environmentally safe housing, the best equipment at present is DJM-110A-type intake air purification sterilizer. The purifier is based on the principles of dust removal, sterilization and disinfection of the DC corona electric field, and thoroughly purifies the air entering the turkey house to obtain sterile, non-toxic and dust-free clean air. This system has almost no resistance to airflow into the house. It can be matched with the natural draft exhaust pipe, positive pressure air supply system and negative pressure air delivery system.
1.2 Gas Quality Control in the House The control of air quality in the house mainly refers to the air quality control in flat-raising and caged chicken houses. The air quality in the house is mainly affected by the content of dust and harmful gases. It is a key link in the design of an environmentally safe house.
The dust in the house is mainly due to chicken skin, feathers, and cough. Droplets generated when tweets. However, the sources of dust in flat- raising and caged chicken houses are different, and the mat grass in flat-raised houses can also generate large amounts of dust. The total dust concentration in the air of a typical poultry house is approximately 420mg/m3. Dust can cause irritation to the respiratory tract and cause infection, and a large number of pathogenic microorganisms attached to the dust are carriers of spread disease. Therefore, the continuous exhalation of dust in the respiratory tract can continue to place pathogenic microorganisms in the human-infected area, which is one of the main causes of the environment that causes immunity and drug failure.
The harmful gases in the shed mainly include: 1 Produce S, NH with a foul odor. , Volatile fatty acids (VFA), etc.; (2) Volatile odors such as unsaturated aldehydes and skatole contained in dust in the air; (3) Odors from the continuous decomposition of organic matter in the dust by microorganisms attached to the dust. The odorous substances produced in the process of decomposition and decomposition of feces have the greatest impact on the formation of malodorous gases in caged chicken houses. Regardless of the concentration of harmful gases, the persistent effects of harmful gases in the chicken house will cause damage to some organs of the chicken body and resistance to diseases. This is another major environmental cause of immunization and drug failure.
At present, the comprehensive technical equipment that can reduce the concentration of harmful gases and remove dust is only a type of equipment for the electric house purification and epidemic prevention system of livestock and poultry houses. It can establish a space electric field control network in a chicken house, and the space electric field control network is reasonably suspended by a certain number of insulators in accordance with the law of the influence of the chicken club structure on the electric field strength of the space, between the insulators by the electrode wire. Connected together, the space electrode network is powered by the main power supply. The strong electric field, high-energy charged particles, and trace ozone generated between the space electrode and the ground and the building structure can be very effective in dust removal, defogging, dehumidification, and killing of pathogenic microorganisms in the air and on the surface of the object.
The space electric field control network generally removes the dust in the house from 80% to 100%. The air humidity can be reduced by 3% to 12%. The removal efficiency of harmful gases is generally 40% to 60%, and the CO2 removal efficiency is 30. % to 40%. The main indexes of air quality in the house can meet the primary and secondary indicators specified in GB3095-1996. The removal efficiency of colonies in the air in flat chicken houses was 82% to 99%. For environment-safety caged chicken coops, not only a space electric field control network is set above the chicken house, but also a space electric field control electrode must be provided in the excrement. Such an all-dimensional space electric field control system can achieve the removal efficiency of microbe colonies in the air. 90% to 99%.
1.3 The gas quality control at the exhaust outlet The exhaust port is also a population of contaminated toxic dusty gas into the turkey house. Therefore, in order to prevent inadvertent external air from entering the house from the gas outlet pipe due to changes in meteorological conditions, an electric gas purifier must be installed at the exhaust port. The gas control of the air outlet is also performed by a gas electric purifier installed at the roof. The purifier can be installed on the roof of a livestock house and communicated with the house by a gas outlet pipe. Its dust removal and sterilization process and the various indicators are the same as the gas electric purifier installed at the air inlet. The 600m shed requires approximately 8 gas purifiers and requires a power of 24W. In order to increase the air flow into the turkey house, an exhaust canister can be installed at the top of the gas electric purifier to increase the pullout force, or can be made by adding a sunlight-absorbable high pull-out plastic film at the interface end of the roof gas electric purifier. The exhaust pipe, which can be pulled by a hydrogen balloon. Exhaust pipe length is generally 6 ~ 12m, this type of exhaust pipe is very suitable in summer, can reduce the temperature 2 ~ 3 °C, if you plant near the air intake and the use of feed corn as a natural cooler, It can make the temperature difference between inside and outside reach 4 °C ~ 5 °C, comparable to the wet curtain cooling system.
1.4 Control of the gas quality of the manure outlet of the manure channel For the caged chicken house, the manure outlet of the manure channel is also the location of gas exchange between the house and the house, and it is also the channel for pathogenic microorganisms to enter the house. Therefore, gas-electric purifiers must also be installed as excrement outlets for fecal passages in environmentally safe poultry houses.
This kind of house is also a fully enclosed chicken house. The 600m2 fully-enclosed chicken house with a comprehensive omni-directional static control scheme combining natural induced wind with space electric field purification, disease prevention and epidemic prevention technology requires electric power of about 80 to 110 W, and generally does not exceed 130 W. In terms of energy consumption, This scheme is far more energy-efficient than the combination of positive-pressure and negative-pressure air-supply systems and space-based electric cleaning, disease prevention and epidemic prevention technologies. In the absence of an outbreak, the control of air quality can be done in an intermittent cycle. For example, if you work for 15 minutes and break for 60 minutes, your daily power consumption will be even lower.
2 Design of the chicken house structure
2.1 Safety precautions for use of epidemic prevention equipment Considering the use of the space electric field control network for operational safety and the dilution of harmful gases, the net height of the house should be at least 2.8 m.
2.2 The arrangement of the cages The distance between each row of cages and the height of the cage, that is, similar to the electrostatic shielding grooves formed between two adjacent rows of cages or cages and walls The aspect ratio (ratio of cage spacing S to cage height h/h) determines the efficiency of the space electric field control network for dust removal, sterilization, and decomposition of harmful gases. The higher the s/h value, the higher the efficiency. In general, s/h. 1 to 2, it is recommended to take s/h=1.3.
What deserves special mention here is that it is extremely unreasonable to place chicken cages against the wall either from the perspective of epidemic prevention or the health of chickens. Multiple tests have shown that the right-angled fecal passage formed by the cage and walls of this arrangement is the place where most pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the house, and the number is generally 2 to 6 times that of other places. Similarly, the concentration of harmful gas is 40% to 120% higher than that of other places in the house. This type of equipment is common in farmhouses built by farmers. Here, only farmers are advised to change this method as soon as possible so that the cage There is a hallway between the wall.
2.3 Calculation of ventilation volume The gas exchange capacity of the house can be calculated according to the total weight of the final discharge house, that is, the required ventilation volume per kilogram of chicken weight is calculated as 0.113m3min, and the required air is calculated accordingly. The number of electric purifiers. The flow rate of the wind should not exceed 0.3 to 0.35 m/s as a standard to calculate the height, number, or the amount of power and ventilation required for the natural exhaust fan.
2.4 The temperature of the designed chicken house varies with the age of the chicks. The optimum temperature for chicks from 0 to 6 weeks old is 18°C~
25°C. Generally, the first day of brooding requires a slightly higher temperature of 33°C to 35°C, and then decreases by 2°C to 3°C per week until 18°C ​​to 25°C. The optimum temperature for opening chickens is 13°C~23°C, the lowest is 5°C, and the highest is 30°C. The optimal temperature for maintaining egg production and feed efficiency is 13°C to 27°C, and the maximum feed efficiency is 24°C to 27°C. The temperature management of each period is not good, especially when it is hot and cold, it will cause cold and heat stress. Cold and heat stress is another environmental factor that causes immunity or drug failure after air pollution. The winter insulation and warming of the chicken house and the cooling of the summer are crucial to improve the chicken's resistance. Therefore, in order to ensure that the chicken in the house can obtain suitable temperature or slowly reduce the temperature and reduce the energy consumption in different periods, the temperature control of the environment-safety house can adopt ecological temperature regulation, wet curtain or mechanical ventilation. Warm way.
The eco-temperature-control design uses the design method of evaporative cooling and heat insulation of solar greenhouses and plant communities, that is, a plastic film greenhouse is built on both sides of the chicken house in the cold season. During the day and on sunny days, the hot gas in the greenhouse enters the turkey house through the electric purifier in the air inlet and is mixed with the original gas before being discharged by the exhaust pipe. In the evening, due to the heat storage effect of the greenhouse wall and soil, the chicken house The temperature does not drop quickly and causes cold and heat stress. In the hot summer season, the high stalked feed corn planted on both sides of the hen house and the green larvae attached to the roof and wall of the hen house have lower air temperature than the surrounding due to the evaporation and shade of the plant. Air, the low-temperature moist air in this corn field is sucked into the chicken house to effectively solve the bad high temperature in the house and reduce the heat stress on the chicken.
The wet curtain or mechanical ventilation type thermostat design is a traditional design method. After selecting some heating devices, the temperature adjustment can be realized throughout the year. When these design methods are adopted, electric purifiers should be installed at the air inlet and outlet of these devices. Only in this way can the environmental safety of the house be ensured.
Only from the perspective of solving the problem of heat and cold stress, the use of ecological thermostat design is very desirable, because the temperature of the eco-temperature-controlled chicken house does not change drastically, causing the chicken to produce cold and heat stress.
2.5 Lighting Design Environment The lighting design of the safe house is the same as the traditional design. However, from the perspective of energy saving, this house should be equipped with open windows, such as glass sunroofs and side windows.
2.6 Noise Prevention Design Because of the non-malodor gas emission from the environment-safety houses, it can be built in suburban areas. Therefore, in order to reduce the chicken's noise stress, the anti-noise design of the chicken farm is also necessary. To prevent the noise design, reference can be made to the anti-noise design of civil or industrial plants.
3 Sterilization of feed and drinking water Contaminated feed may become the main cause of various digestive tract and respiratory tract illnesses, and even lead to the rapid outbreak of chicken disease. The spread of contact with the disease is often faster than airborne. Therefore, the disinfection and sterilization of the feed prior to feeding should be treated in the same way as the sterilization of air. The sterilization and sterilization of the feed prior to feeding is more effective than the sterilization of the storage space, but there is no good technology and equipment for the sterilization and sterilization of the dry powder feed, and the heat sterilization and disinfection of the feed is effective but the energy consumption is large. Easy to damage vitamins. At present, the most potential for development is the dielectric powder sorting and disinfection technology. Devices made using this technology have very good sterilization and disinfection effects on powder feeds and consume less electrodes. But the effect of vitamins has also been studied in this system. As the current immunization task is urgent, in the case of immunization and the effect of medication is not obvious, this equipment can be used to sterilize the feed before feeding. Vitamins can be added after treatment, so that each house needs to be equipped with one. device of. The sterilization of drinking water can be carried out by those disinfectants without drug residues, and the use of ozone water generating equipment will not work. Because in the nipple drinking water system, the water velocity is very low and it is not suitable for the incorporation of ozone. An acid-alkaline water generator can also be used to electrolyze drinking water for acidic or alkaline water supply. This kind of water, unlike the addition of chemical acids or bases, does not produce additional chemical contamination. This product is used in the former Soviet Union. There are companies in the country that are developing and its water disinfection and disinfection effect is very good.
4 Selection of manure disposal methods The environment-safe chicken house can be cleaned by mechanical excrement or gravity drainage. Mechanical excrement labor productivity is very high, the most important thing is to improve the durability of equipment, and more use of some stainless steel materials. The use of gravity gravity-removing manure is a relatively new method of manure removal. It is designed based on the characteristics that chicken manure has a high moisture content (80% to 91%) and good fluidity. Gravity self-flowing excrement manure ditch has an outlet at one end, and is usually blocked at the outlet at the exit. When the excrement in the manure ditch is accumulated to a certain extent, the gate is released and flows into a storage tank outside the house. Generally, no water is added. The advantage is that the water-saving and later-stage sewage treatment project is small and no mechanical equipment is required. In order to eliminate the odor, an electro-cleaning discharge electrode can be installed in the dung which is stored. For the waste disposal of the storage tank outside the environment-safety housing, electro-hydraulic explosives or other low-toxic and low-residue drugs that can eliminate odors and fly larvae should be used. Electro-hydraulic explosives treatment is a new process method. It uses direct discharge of fecal matter in a manure pool. The processing speed is fast, and the effective composition of fertilizer is more, killing fly maggots and pathogenic microorganisms. The high efficiency, low power consumption, convenient maintenance, is a very popular waste disposal equipment. It will also play a significant role in addressing the pollution of livestock and poultry waste and odor gases.


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