The morphological characteristics of Huangqi

Morphological characteristics

Herbs perennial, stem base swaying, ascending, high (15) 30 to 120 cm. The main root is thick, slightly conical and tan. Stems four prisms, base more branched. Leaves opposite; shortly stipitate; leaf blade lanceolate, all across. Inflorescences racemose, flowers on side of inflorescence; flowers lip, blue-purple. Nutlets are nearly spherical, dark brown and encircled in caskets. Flowering from July to October, fruiting period from August to October. Stems glabrous or puberulent to puberulent. The leaves are short-handled, lanceolate to stripe-lanceolate, 1.5-4.5 cm long, glabrous or sparsely puberulent on both surfaces, and densely subdivided glandular spots below. Inflorescences terminal, racemose, 7 to 15 cm long, often conical at stem top; lower part of sepals resembling leaves, distal ones smaller, ovate-lanceolate; calyx 4 mm long, scutellum tall 1.5 mm, increased when the fruit; corolla purple, purple to blue-violet, 2.3 to 3 cm long, tube near the base of the obvious geniculate, lower lip lobe triangle-shaped oval. Nutlets ovoid, tuberculate, ventral near base with umbilicus.



The non-invasive/high-flow integrated ventilator (BPAP-HE) is a non-invasive ventilator, a high-flow respiratory humidifier, or a high-performance humidifier.
The non-invasive ventilator mode of this product can be used for adult patients who do not rely on invasive ventilation support, such as respiratory dysfunction, to provide ventilation assistance and respiratory support;
Products with high-flow heating and humidification mode can be used for humidification and oxygen therapy for adult patients with spontaneous breathing.

BPAP HE,Non Invasive Vent,Niv Breathing Machine,Non Invasive Ventilation Machine