Summer Beauty Recipe Recommended

The hot summer weather, MM have no appetite to eat, but the skin can not be slow, how to do it? Today, Xiao Bian thought of introducing beauty and beauty recipes for the summer season so that everyone could have an appetizer and beauty.

One, freckle articles

1, sugar, sesame, white fungus

Material: 30g black sesame seeds, 20g each of white fungus and crystal sugar, black sesame seeds

Production Method:

1, white fungus soaked with warm water, remove the pedicle torn into pieces; rock sugar broken into crumbs.

2. Add rock sugar, white fungus, and black sesame into the saucepan, add 500 ml of water, and cook on a hot fire.

3, then use slow fire stew for 35 minutes, you can eat it!


2, sweet-scented osmanthus white fungus stew

Ingredients: 20 grams of sweet-scented osmanthus and white fungus rock sugar, 10 grams of ferret,

Production Method

1. Wash the osmanthus flowers to remove impurities; Tremella fuciformis with warm water for 2 hours, go to the pedicle, impurities, tear into petals; ferrets made with warm water, washed and chopped; rock sugar broken into crumbs.

2, the sweet-scented osmanthus, sassafras, rock sugar, white fungus with the release cooker, add 500 ml of water, boiled with water, and then use slow fire stew for 35 minutes or so, wait a little while you can get out to eat.

3, white sugar drink

Material: Angelica, rock sugar

Production Method:

1, soak the white pheasant overnight, take it out and cut it into thin slices

2, the rock sugar broken, the white peony and rock sugar with the release cooker, add 500 ml of water, boil the fire, and then simmer for 30 minutes or so ok.

Second, whitening articles

1, Kiwi salad

The whitening principle of kiwifruit is similar to that of tomatoes. It also contains a lot of vitamin C. Eating more can help skin detoxify and interfere with melanin production, helping to eliminate dull skin and make skin brighter.

2, cucumber porridge

Porridge is a favorite food for many mm, because porridge is not only easy to do, but also light in taste and can help slimming and beauty. This porridge is the best choice for whitening and downsizing in the summer. It is best eaten daily, morning and evening, to moisturize the skin, remove freckle, and lose weight. Modern scientific research shows that cucumber is rich in potassium salts and a certain amount of carotene, vitamin c, vitamin b1, vitamin b2, carbohydrates, protein, and mustard, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. Regular consumption of cucumber porridge can eliminate freckles and brighten skin.

3, yam green shoot fried chicken liver

This is a nourishing food suitable for the fragile mm food. Yam is a tonic product recommended by traditional Chinese medicine. It can strengthen kidney, replenish Qi, and strengthen the spleen. Although the chicken liver is the animal's liver, but it does not have to have poor muscle nutrition, but instead contains a large number of iron, zinc, copper, vitamin a and b vitamins, etc., not only beneficial to the synthesis of estrogen, but also the preferred food for blood. And green bamboo shoots are rich in dietary fiber, can relax, qi, is a very good beauty vegetable.

The three are mixed and have the effect of replenishing blood and improving the moisturizing and color of the skin.

Third, acne articles

1, mung bean barley soup

Material: 25 grams each of mung bean and barley, 10 g of hawthorn

Production Method:

1. Wash all the materials, add 500 grams of water, boil for 30 minutes, and stop for a few minutes. Do not uncover and cover for 15 minutes.

2, 3 to 5 times a day, apply to oily skin.

Cosmetic effect: It can prevent long acne and youth.

2. Anti-inflammatory porridge

Ingredients: 30 grams of medlar, 100 grams of white pigeon meat and 100 grams of glutinous rice, and the appropriate amount of fine salt, monosodium glutamate, and sesame oil.

Production Method:

1. Wash the pigeon meat and pound it into meat. Wash the rice dumplings and glutinous rice, and put them in a casserole. Add pigeon puree and appropriate amount of water. Simmer over porridge. Add porridge, fine MSG, sesame oil, and mix well.

2, one dose per day, divided into two times, 5 to 8 doses for a course of treatment.

Beauty effect: It has the effect of taking drugs and excreting evil spirits, nourishing yin and moisturizing the skin, eliminating swelling and swelling. Applicable to skin infections, face acne.

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