Occurrence and Control of Five Insect Pests in Greenhouse Vegetables

The main insect pests of greenhouse vegetables are tea astragalus, red spider, aphids, thrips, and sub-night flies. Its occurrence, hazards and prevention methods are described below:
I. Occurrence and harm of tea scutellariae (A): Ophiophagous worms are very small and invisible to the naked eye, but reproduce rapidly. At 28-32°C, 4-5 generations are propagated for 1 generation at 18-20°C. 7-10 days 1 generation, 1 year can occur about 25 generations. Mainly in the greenhouse greenhouse propagation hazards, the site of damage to the top of the plant leaves, when the young leaves grow old, that is, from the old leaves to new leaves, it is also known as "green leafhopper." After the leaves were damaged, the back turned brown with oily, distorted deformity, and severe dry top. After flower and fruit damage, it does not bloom, does not bear fruit, the peel is yellow-brown, corked, and cracked.
(B) Control methods: Use 73% of Krypton 1000 times solution, or 25% extinguishment Manganese WP 1000-1500 times solution, or 10% dying net 3000 times solution, spray every 5-7 days 1 Times, even spray 2-3 times. In addition, after harvesting the former crops, it is necessary to remove the fallen leaves in time and burn them in a concentrated manner, and spray the pesticide in the entire shed to kill the insects.
Second, the occurrence and harm of red spider (a): winter spiderhouse spider mite occurs mainly red spider mites and two-spotted spider mites. About 20 generations occurred in 1 year. Severe under high temperature and dry conditions (developmental temperature is 21-30 °C), humidity more than 30 °C, humidity greater than 70% of the conditions unfavorable. The hazard is to suck juice on the back of the leaf with a sucking mouthpart and form a wire mesh. The victim leaves turn green and white dots appear, and then the leaves dry up. It generally harms the lower leaves first and then spreads from bottom to top.
(b) Prevention and control methods: timely removal of the old leaves from the lower part and burning out of the shed. Adjust the temperature and humidity in the shed to create a high-temperature, high-humidity environment and timely watering to prevent its spread. Chemical control, can be used 1,8% of the 2000 times of the Agricultural Gram-emulsion EC, or 20% of EC 2000 times, or 40% of ECA EC 2000 times, sprayed every 7-10 days, even Spray 2-3 times.
Third, the occurrence and harm of aphids (a): There are three main types of greenhouse aphids, namely, Gualou, soybean meal and peach aphid. One year can occur 20-30 generations, endangered all year round. The locusts are clustered on the back of leaves and tender stems, sucking plant juices with sucking mouthparts, making the leaves yellow, curled, or even dead. In addition, locusts also spread viral disease and are extremely harmful.
(B) Prevention and control methods: 25% Cascarus 1000 times, or 10% cypermethrin 2000 times, or 50% Pipa 2000 times liquid, control, spray once every 3-5 days, even spray 2 - 3 times, it can also be controlled by extermination of smoke, with 350 grams per acre.
IV. Occurrence and Hazard of Hummer (1): Thrips are mainly harmful to melons, eggplants, legumes and other vegetables, also known as hummocks. The nymphs are yellow and the adults are brown and yellow. It takes about 15 generations a year, breeds all year round and overlaps from generation to generation. More damage on the back of the leaf or into the petals, sucking the leaves of young leaves, shoots, flowers and young melons. The young shoots, flowers, and young larvae were dark brown, hardened and narrowed, which seriously affected the growth.
(B) Prevention and control methods: 25% can be used Cascade 1000 times, or 10% of high efficiency cypermethrin 2000 times, and then add the same amount of synergist, such as elimination of anti-liquid, evil legislation equal control. Spray once every 3-5 days, even spray 2-3 times.
V. Occurrence and harm of sub-night flies (I): The leaf miners are mainly harmful to legumes, solanaceous fruits, cruciferous vegetables, green onions, and leeks. 1 to 4 generations occurred in 1 year. Eggs lay inside the flesh, and the larvae feed on the leaves. After the leaves are damaged, they turn green and turn white.
(B) Prevention and control methods: After the harvest of vegetables, remove the remaining leaves in time, concentrate burning, and reduce pests. In addition, 25% ikas 1000 times solution, or 10% high efficiency cypermethrin 2000 times solution, or 20% chrysanthemum emulsion 2000 times solution, or 21% chlorimuron emulsion solution 3000 times solution, and the same amount of synergist can be added. Control, spray once every 3-5 days, even spray 2-3 times.

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