High-yielding Cultivation of Ginger in Zaozhuang, Shandong Province

Traditional ginger cultivation is mostly open field cultivation. In general, sowing in the early May of this year in our city, most of them are harvested after frost, and the total growth period is about 170 days, which limits the output of ginger. After experiments with different varieties, densities, and sowing dates, we explored and summarized the high-yielding cultivation pattern of ginger in protected areas, through the advance sowing date. Delaying the harvest will increase the growth period of ginger, with an average yield of 4000 kg per mu and a net return of 6,500 yuan per mu. The specific cultivation techniques are now described as follows:

(1) Deep ploughing and site preparation, the application of basal fertilizer Ginger roots are undeveloped, have a shallow distribution in the soil, and have poor water absorption and fertility. They are not drought tolerant and are not tolerant to leeches. Therefore, they must choose high topography and fertile soil, and no species is cultivated within three years. Ginger's plot is made of ginger field. Deep plowing about 25cm before winter, late spring thawing fine crushed to two times, sturdy and transparent, virtual virtual reality, so that the earth as a mirror, soil fine like a surface. Combining tillage, Mushi high-quality organic fertilizer 5000kg, ammonium bicarbonate 70kg, potash 30kg, boron 1kg.
(B) Fine selection of germination ginger seeds Select good yield, disease resistance of Laiwu ginger, a single weight of 50-709 is appropriate, put in the warm winter greenhouse 25-30d or 20 °C indoor, drying to One 2d, soaked in 200 times potassium permanganate solution for 10-20 minutes, then dried, germination in a greenhouse or greenhouse, germination temperature 22 °C -25 °C, generally about 25d, sprouts can grow to l-1.5cm.
(3) Suitable sowing, appropriate close planting on 1-5 April, sowing on sunny days, sowing ginger for 4-5 days in advance. Planting density 5500-6000 acres, row spacing 55-60cm, plant spacing 18-23cm, sowing depth no more than 7cm below ground level, covering the thickness of 2-3cm, required before sowing the watering, water seepage, planting To be neat and uniform, the buds are in one direction.
(D) Integrated control of pests and sowing Mushi 3% Phosphate granules 5kg to prevent and control underground pests. The main prevention and control of ginger aphid rotation cropping, strict selection of disease-free ginger, pouring net water application of net fertilizer, found that the diseased plants in a timely manner, and use lime to disinfect the diseased point, the agent can be used Kekexing 800 times plus agricultural streptomycin 1000 Times or 300 times ginger ginger control. After the emergence of yellow ginger ginger borer, cabbage caterpillar, thrips as the main control objects timely spraying, generally use high efficiency and low toxicity and low residual pesticides, such as 24% panacea or insect sweeping light, plus cypermethrin or Saiwei Wei and even spray 2 - 3 times, 6-8 days apart.
(E) Strengthen the management of the field before the emergence of the general watering, ventilation, ventilation after the emergence of appropriate or pouring water, keep the shed within the daytime 22 °C -25 °C, night 16 °C -18 °C. Remove the film before the beginning of summer and insert ginger grass or shading with shade nets. Around 20th of October, the shed was tamped, and the temperature in the shed was adjusted in time. It was maintained at 22°C-30°C during the day and 15°C-20°C at night. When the temperature dropped to 8°C-10°C, it was harvested in early November. On fertilization, when the height of ginger seedlings is about 30cm, urea is applied in 10kg of urea; before and after the autumn, 10kg of urea and compound fertilizer are applied in combination with soil; in early September, when the ginger seedlings have 6-8 branches, the soil fertility is poor. And wheat plants with normal growth conditions, Mushi compound fertilizer 20kg plus urea 5kg. Pouring water, irrigating water before planting, pouring small water at seedling stage, vigorously pouring water after the beginning of autumn, and often keeping the soil moist. At the same time, the rainy season should pay attention to the timely removal of water in the ditch.

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