Female infertility may be the "disorder" of genes

Release date: 2018-06-21

Speaking of female infertility, the reasons we can think of are the decline in egg quality, premature ovarian failure, and insufficient levels of estrogen... Now, scientists have discovered new ones. The reporter learned from Nanjing Medical University on the 19th that the latest research issue of the University of Science and Technology published by the National Academy of Sciences reported that a gene called Mtor plays a decisive role in whether women can discharge normal healthy eggs. And this decision has been formed before the birth of the woman (about 17 weeks after the mother's pregnancy).

The Mtor gene "produces" a key factor, MTOR, which is responsible for maintaining the signaling pathways for nutrition and stress sensing. The research team found through mouse experiments that the MTOR signaling pathway is "in shape" during the developmental stages of female follicles, but the mechanism of action is completely different at different times.

Oocytes at the earliest developmental stage are not in a "dormant" state as previously thought; instead, oocytes during this period have active response activities through the MTOR pathway. This period of mice corresponds to the puberty of human females. By knocking out the MTOR pathway, it is found that once the MTOR pathway is absent, women will not be able to expel healthy eggs, ie they will not be pregnant. In the case of follicular oocytes that have developed into the growth phase, the absence of the MTOR pathway does not cause abnormalities, but presents meiotic defects in the egg, as well as decreased egg fertilization and early embryo development potential.

The research team believes that the lack of MTOR pathway does not affect the activation of oocytes in the original follicle pool, but it is impossible to excrete normal healthy eggs. Dr. Zhang Teng, a member of the research team, told the reporter that maintaining the pathway in an optimal state of activity is the key to maintaining normal ovarian function and healthy growth in women. It is recommended that women of childbearing age maintain a reasonable nutrition, healthy diet and lifestyle, while exercising appropriate exercise, maintaining a healthy mindset and avoiding stress and stress. At the same time, the downstream genes found in the study that are regulated by the Mtor gene and play a decisive role in egg mass and granule cell fate can be used as potential targets for pre-pregnancy screening in women for clinical research.

Source: Technology Daily

Source: Technology Daily

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