New vaccines boost immune cells' ability to fight influenza

New vaccines boost immune cells' ability to fight influenza

January 22, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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According to the "Scientific American" official website recently, Chinese and American scientists have developed a new type of influenza vaccine that can improve the ability of the immune system to fight against influenza strains. Animal experiments show that the new vaccine is safe and effective. Researchers believe that this result is a step closer to the final development of a generic vaccine.

So far, no vaccine has been able to withstand all influenza viruses. Therefore, the development of a universal influenza vaccine has become the "Holy Grail" of the researchers. To develop a new vaccine, a team led by Sun Ren, a professor of pharmacology at the University of California, Los Angeles, analyzed the entire genome of the flu virus and tested each part in contact with interferon (a protein released during viral attack to help prevent The different mutations in the flu identified eight mutations that are most likely to cause a protective response against interferon by the virus, and then combine the eight mutations into a new "hyperinterferon-sensitive" (HIS) influenza strain. . Researchers believe that this new strain may be the basis for a broader and more effective influenza vaccine.

The researchers tested the vaccine with several experimental mice and ferrets (the universal test model for influenza), and the results showed that the new vaccine was not only safe but also effective.

In a paper published in the latest issue of Science, they pointed out that the new vaccine can trigger a strong immune response, but it will not make infected animals sick. Moreover, unlike current influenza vaccines, the new vaccine also triggers a strong response to disease-resistant white blood cells (T cells). This is important because T cell responses may have longer-term protection than current vaccination methods and protect against multiple influenza strains.

Researchers say the latest research may have other applications, such as isolating other viruses in the lab, identifying important mutations, and developing vaccines against a large number of other infections.

However, scientists at the Scripps Research Institute said in a review in the journal Science that although the vaccine is resistant to influenza strains H1N1 and H3N2, it does not necessarily fight all influenza strains. In addition, does triggering a strong immune response to the virus put humans at risk? This is also a problem because the crazy immune system reaction can damage lung tissue and even cause death of certain H5N1 avian influenza patients. (Reporter Liu Xia)

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