What kind of food before and after

What kind of food before and after

Light refreshing, detoxifying food

As humidity begins to increase, people are particularly prone to drowsiness during this time. In this season, we must pay attention to the supplementation of water. Because the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, and timely replenishment of water can allow the body to be in a state of balance and prevent disease.

In terms of diet, should be mainly light heat, detoxification foods, such as water and dampness foods: soybeans, mung beans, day lily, winter melon, etc., heat heat food: watermelon, lotus leaf, loofah, cucumber, celery, leeks Sugar cane, etc., heat and dampness foods are: garland chrysanthemum, white peony root, bamboo shoots, melon, wolfberry, etc., spleen dampness foods are: broad beans, red beans, herring, eel, eel, flat fish and so on.


In the South, plums are ripe for the seasons of May and June each year. The three countries have stories of "Ome and wine-making heroes." Ome contains a variety of natural high-quality organic acids and rich in minerals, with a unique nutritional health functions such as net blood, intestine, blood fat, fatigue, beauty, regulate acid-base balance, and enhance human immunity. However, most of the fresh plums are sour and astringent, and they are difficult to be directly imported. They need to be processed before they are eaten. This kind of processing is the process of cooking plums.


What kind of solar energy do you eat?

1. Mang eat duck

On the basis of maintaining a reasonable mix of meat and vegetables, the preferred non-duck meat for summer meat consumption is none other than meat. The greatest feature of duck meat is that it is neither lukewarm nor hot, heat and heat, according to the principle of Chinese medicine "warm cold," eat in the season of easy to get angry, nourishing yin, nourishing the stomach, invigorating the spleen tonic, strong dampness Anyone who has a hot and humid body and a heavy fire is suitable for duck meat.

2. Mang eat American ginseng

Summer heat, sweating will lose the human body Yin Jin, Yin Yin is prone to false fire, there fatigue, fatigue, upset, red tongue, urine and other symptoms. The American ginseng is cool and makes up for its ability to reduce the risk of fire, fluid, and fatigue. Each time you take 1 to 2 grams, you can make tea with boiled water, which is very convenient.

3. Mans kind of fish

This season is exactly what the big yellow croaker, small yellow croaker, squid, squid and salmon and tuna are spawning. Therefore, it is best to eat these kinds of fish at this time.

4. Mang eat mulberry

Mulberry, also known as mulberry, mature mulberry sweet juice, sweet and sour taste, also known as the "private fruits." Mulberry sweet and sour, slightly cold, into the heart, liver, kidney, with a liver and kidney, Sheng Jin Runchang, black eyes and other effects, attending Yin deficiency caused by dizziness, tinnitus palpitations, irritability, insomnia, waist and knee Soft, premature hair, dry mouth, dry mouth, dry stool embolism. Mulberry into the stomach, can supplement the lack of gastric juice, promote digestion of gastric juice, enter the intestine can promote the secretion of intestinal fluid, promote gastrointestinal motility, and thus have the benefit of strengthening and strong. Modern medicine believes that mulberry fruits are rich in glucose, sucrose, fructose, carotene, vitamins (A, B1, B2, C), malic acid, succinic acid, tartaric acid, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, etc. Nutrients.

5. Mang eat muddy

After a period of spring growth, during this season, the muddy flesh reached the most fat moment. Because it is a high-protein, low-fat, good food, it is called "water ginseng." Chinese medicine theory also believes that loach has functions such as tonic, detoxification, liver protection, thirst-quenching, and so on. At the same time, elderly people who eat mud loquat also help resist aging and keep fit.

What kind of fruits do you eat?

Mang kind of eat watermelon: cool, eat will not cause upset upset, and is rich in potassium, can make up for the loss of body potassium salts. But be careful not to put the watermelon in the refrigerator for more than 3 hours.

Mang to eat tomatoes: the most sweetest in summer, the most nutritious. It can also clear away heat, detoxify, and calm the liver.

Mong kind of pear: Because of the tender, juicy, sweet and palatable, it is also called "natural mineral water", the best moisturizing skin care products.

Mang to eat strawberries: Chinese medicine believes it has a fire effect, can Qingshu, antipyretic, Chufan.

However, you need to be aware that the most important thing is to disinfect and clean the fruits before they are imported. Grape, strawberry, bayberry and other skins often have pesticide residues. In addition to thorough cleaning with flowing water, they should also be soaked in clean water for at least half an hour.

Cold vegetables

Summer Shushi poison will affect human health, eat cold vegetables is conducive to thirst, Zhuo Jieshu, heat purging fire, detoxification purge.

Bitter gourd, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, celery, lettuce, asparagus, watercress, cold potato, etc. are all cold vegetables.

In addition, the summer is a season of diseases, especially intestinal diseases, eat more garlic, onions, leeks, green onions, shallots and other "sterilized" vegetables can prevent diseases.

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